Sunday, January 27, 2013

Meet the fish

In our kitchen there is a fish bowl ...

... and in that fish bowl there are two fish. Meet our fish! These critters are fairly young -- they've been with us for about six months. My previous fish lived for more than ten years in this very bowl, but sadly passed on to the great fish bowl in the sky last year.

As you can see, these are minimalist pets. No fancy equipment in the bowl -- just some elodia (weed) that grows happily forever. This elodia is about six years old. I break off the old bits every week and throw them away. I also scoop out the fish into a plastic container, wash out the bowl with dishwashing liquid, and fill it up with tap water. That's my fish-keeping regime and it seems to work beautifully! The food costs about $5 for two years' supply, so they're pretty economical too.

Jolly difficult to take photographs of fish, it appears. They're never in the same spot together long enough -- and they're not very obedient. And no, they don't have names. They're fish.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Traffic fine 1943

We've inherited so many interesting documents that Mom (and her parents) kept over the decades. This traffic fine issued in 1943 is a wonderful example. It's still in pounds-shillings-pence: this is for seven and six (7 shillings and 6 pence)!

Mom was born in July 1929, so she would have been fourteen-and-a-half when this was issued. What on earth was she doing to get a traffic fine?

These photos are of my mother that I think were taken probably around this time. Maybe she was driving her father's car too fast ...? We'll never know.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Birthday Luke

Happy 27th birthday Luke! And oh, the nostalgia! Here is Luke at 22 months -- so, this would have been November 1987. Yes, I acknowledge that his hair was a bit long, but I knew once we cut off those blonde curls, that they'd be gone forever. (No blonde curls now, that's for sure.) Also of note is that I think Heidi made these little dungarees. Sooo cute.


What an incredible view!! This is taken from Ei and Wyn Gay's magnificent home in Pezula, Knysna, where between Christmas and New Year we spent a wonderful few days relaxing, resting and ... 

... playing golf. If you look carefully, you can see Tennille in the red shorts on the right hand side.

... fishing. Sadly not even a bite although we could see the little critters swimming in the lagoon.

... missing sandbanks especially when the tide was low. Hee hee.

... eating tapas at Bramon Wine Estate just outside Plettenberg Bay, in the vineyards.

... eating some more.  NOBODY MESSED WITH THE CHEF!!

... watching the sun go down over the hills above Knysna.

... enjoying the magnificent flora.

... and lots of drinking! This was taken at Feather Bed on the Knysna Lagoon, only accessible by boat. Just as well the fish weren't biting!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Birthday Heidi

Happy birthday Heids! I have been keeping this photo for this special occasion -- it's one of my favourites. I estimate it was taken around 1964 or 1965, and Heidi would have been about seven or eight years old. It's taken in our pool, in the Berkeley Avenue house. We have very few colour photos from that time, so perhaps this was taken on a special occasion.

Friday, January 11, 2013

January oysters

Thought I'd share my first oysters of 2013. These are my favourite -- Sydney rock oysters. And where better to eat Sydney rock oysters than next to the Opera House, looking across Circular Quay to the Sydney Harbour Bridge?