Saturday, March 23, 2013

Major Robertson house renovations

Don's and my project for 2013 is the complete renovation of our old house with the intention to transform it into a house which is modern and attractive, and in keeping with our new house enhancing the overall value of our Bryanston property. Whew ... quite scary as per the pictures below.

Dust's and Tennille's rooms with what is now an ex courtyard
What is left of the kitchen

Tennille's old bathroom

Dust's bedroom looking into his dressing room and bathroom

Tennille's bedroom

Don's and my bathroom

Out goes the window and off goes the roof!

Looks like a bomb has hit us!! Or perhaps a tornado?

The tiles are off and the old beams exposed - lots of birds' and rats' nests.

The patio and lounge ...

We have big plans for this area - just wait and see.

A dump for building rubble -- yes, it was once a pool!

This will become a scullery in the new (old) house

Dust -- do you recognise your old bathroom?

And your old bedroom?

Eeeeekkk ... I hope we are doing the right thing!!??