Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bryanston 1969

Another set of photos from Bryanston. Braydon was born in December 1967, and here is he wearing a nappy but strong enough to push me on his trike. So he must have been at least 18 months old ...? On that basis, I reckon that these photos are from 1969.

Ah, the thirteenish-year-old Heidi on Braydon's go-kart. I think there's a theme here. Something along the lines of  'one good reason to have a younger brother is that he has cool vehicles'.

Here we have our very lovely Wendy House that Dad built for us. (Aussies call it a cubby house.) It had two storeys and was the envy of the whole neighbourhood. I remember sleeping out in it overnight, but being a bit scared half the way down the garden. I would have been scared of witches and goblins and vampires, not tsotsis. This was 1969, after all.

A sporting moment on the tennis court at the bottom of the garden. That's Mom with the blonde hair, I think. Is the brunette Bev Blair? Look, you can also see the Wendy House!

Our lovely grandfather Bop, Mom's father. How relaxed does he look ...?

Cheers to the 1960s!

1 comment:

  1. What a pity that the photos of our wendy house are in black and white - I seem to recall pink painted walls and a black tiled roof.
    Tennis players - Mom and Candy?
