Saturday, August 4, 2012

Flower girls 1966

Heidi and I were flower girls at Beverley Trewin and Errol Blair's wedding on 29 October 1966 in Durban. Bev's sister Candy was her bridesmaid. Our dresses were pale pink satin and mine was the most beautiful dress I had ever worn (apart from my fairy outfit at the Wanderers Club Christmas Party, but more on that in another post).

Mom had kept these newspaper cuttings for 46 years. Now they are in digital form and will last forever!

The prints that Mom kept of these photos are small proofs taken by Norman Partington, the professional photographer. I note that he did not include my gappy smile in the main wedding party photos.

These colour photos are far more informal and I think were taken by Dad, as there are other photos in the same set of Heidi and me on Durban beach later on the same holiday. That's Mom and her father (our grandfather Bop) in the top photo. Do I remember correctly that Bop walked Bev down the aisle at her wedding?

Looking at these now, I also remember that we wore pink satin ballet shoes. As a non-ballerina, these might have been even more thrilling than the pale pink satin satin dress ...

1 comment:

  1. I remember all of our hair dos, the silky feel of our pink dresses, the beautiful ballet like shoes, and Candy who looked after us and was our brides maid role model.
