Sunday, January 27, 2013

Meet the fish

In our kitchen there is a fish bowl ...

... and in that fish bowl there are two fish. Meet our fish! These critters are fairly young -- they've been with us for about six months. My previous fish lived for more than ten years in this very bowl, but sadly passed on to the great fish bowl in the sky last year.

As you can see, these are minimalist pets. No fancy equipment in the bowl -- just some elodia (weed) that grows happily forever. This elodia is about six years old. I break off the old bits every week and throw them away. I also scoop out the fish into a plastic container, wash out the bowl with dishwashing liquid, and fill it up with tap water. That's my fish-keeping regime and it seems to work beautifully! The food costs about $5 for two years' supply, so they're pretty economical too.

Jolly difficult to take photographs of fish, it appears. They're never in the same spot together long enough -- and they're not very obedient. And no, they don't have names. They're fish.

1 comment:

  1. ..ah but can you stroke them? Take them for a walk in the park?
