Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday spätzle

Tonight we had a birthday dinner for Smuts. I did a Swiss-inspired dinner. We had spätzle, veal geschnetzeltes (a word which Suz said sounded like someone sneezing), red cabbage cooked with red wine, vinegar, apple and cloves; and peas and mint. And green salad, of course.

Here is my spätzle, in the process of being made. We have the ingredients, and the mixture ...

The batter has been put through the Swiss spätzle maker, has dropped into the boiling water, and the little dumplings have risen to the surface.

The delicious little spätzle dumplings are now in the frying pan, in butter and a little olive oil, turning golden and slightly crispy. I hope Grandma Tina would be proud that I am passing on our Swiss cooking heritage.

Now, you may ask -- where are the geschnetzeltes? Well, they were all gone by the time I thought of taking a photo!

1 comment:

  1. ...hhhmmmm I had forgotten how good spatzle looks and tastes. Would love to join you for your Sunday dinners!
