Monday, October 8, 2012

Point Lonsdale

We spent the weekend on the Bellarine Peninsula, which is one of the two peninsulas that curve around each side of Port Phillip Bay. Melbourne lies to the north of the bay. The Bellarine Peninsula is the one on the west, on the Geelong (pronounced juh-long) side. We live to the east of the city. Geelong is about 90 km from our house and driving there takes about an hour and a half.

Our main purpose was to have dinner at a restaurant called Loam. More on that in the next post. We stayed about 15 minutes from the restaurant, in a little beach town called Point Lonsdale.

It was a cold and blustery spring day -- the best kind of day for a long, bracing 5 km walk along the breakwater. Smuts and I love this kind of walk next to the ocean.

There was a large container ship heading out of the bay. As you can see on the map, all shipping to Melbourne port has to pass through the narrow break (called 'The Rip') between the two peninsulas. As the ship goes out of the bay, it enters the Bass Strait, which is the strait between mainland Australia and Tasmania. Tasmania is 250 km to the south of where we are standing in the photos. (And beyond Tasmania, the Antarctic ...!)

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