Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fiji catamaran

We left Amanuca on a little boat, that took us out beyond the reef to where we transferred to a big high-speed catamaran. One of the most distinctive things about Fiji is that people sing and play music everywhere. Wherever we went we were greeted (and farewelled) by staff members singing to us. Every meal was accompanied by live music. In the first photo you can see the hotel staff playing their guitars and singing us off in our boat.

Here is the luggage boat ...

... and the people boat.

The catamaran goes from island to island, picking up and dropping off tourists. It speeds from island to island. At each island, small boats bring out the tourists. This is the Beachcomber Hotel on Beachcomber Island. (I think. There are quite a few islands with a single hotel!)

This is Bounty Island. That little building is all there is on the whole island. You wouldn't want to be there during a tsunami, would you?

1 comment:

  1. Yet another reminder that these islands are so like the Indian Ocean Islands - what an amazing holiday
