Monday, December 3, 2012

Diabetic in Dubai

Dubai's amazing architecture never fails to impress me. Look at how these buildings twist and reach high into the sky.

Dusty's first few days out of hospital were a newly diagnosed diabetic what should he eat and how much? 

Oats porridge was a new breakfast choice. Hhhmmm not so bad!

Note the bag. It's Dustin's diabetic bag which contains all his goodies. From a man who never used a bag, it's now going to be Dusty's newest and best accessory.

Boats, boats and more boats parked in the Dubai Marina. Who owns all these boats and when are they used?

1 comment:

  1. Dusty may be slimmer but he still has his excellent smile! And I'm a big fan of the man-bag. It works. (Ask Smuts about lost wallets in the pre-bag days.) Porridge? Well, Dad had great porridge-making skills. Continue the tradition, Dust!
