Monday, February 25, 2013

Birthday Geoff

Happy birthday Geoff! To celebrate the big eight zero, I thought we might celebrate some of your early years. Aren't you just gorgeous, young man.

Then I couldn't resist this photograph of my mother and Geoff in January 1943. This is one of a number of photos taken in Bryanston, in the swimming pool of the house next door to the one we grew up in.

And finally, one of the family -- remembering that grandmother Jessie Kathleen Margaret shares a birthday with Geoff. She was born in 1900. I think this is probably about 1945-ish.

Happy happy day, Geoff and family!

1 comment:

  1. What a handsome young man - no wonder Sandra fell for him!! And sooo like Mark.
    Look at the barren Bryanston landscape - quite different to the forest it has become.
