Monday, April 8, 2013

Jersey Boys Johannesburg

What a great way to spend a Friday evening watching the Jersey Boys at Monte Casino.
It's impossible to have lived in the 20th century and remain unaware of the Four Seasons who propelled themselves into fame by singing about a girl called Sherry.

And Tennille was at school with Daniel Buys who plays Tommy DeVito

So what happened in South Africa in the 1960s?
  • Cliff Richard visited Johannesburg
  • South Africa became a republic
  • Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Gary Player made his mark by winning top international golf tournaments
  • Prime Minister Verwoerd was assassinated
  • World's first heart transplant
  • Films shown at bioscopes were a regular form of entertainment
  • Shops closed at 1 pm on Saturdays and Sunday trading was prohibited
  • Squad Cars and Men from the Ministry were popular radio programmes
  • The mini skirt revolutionised fashion trends
... and Heidi-Lee and Julie-Anne started school!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. How cool is this ... I so remember Squad Cars! Do you remember the screeching tyres that started the show?
