Saturday, May 4, 2013

Queensland: Mossman Gorge

Mossman Gorge is about 20 minutes inland, travelling north west, from Port Douglas. The rainforest rises steeply on hills around the Mossman River.

There are a number of walking trails within the Mossman Gorge park, ranging from short easy boardwalks to a longer crcuit within the forest.

The river runs through the park. So much beautiful water.

There is a bouncy swingy flexible suspension bridge, used by the local children as a trampoline and swing ... we waited until they had finished playing before we walked more sedately across it.

And then there is the absolutely Gorgeous :) waterhole on the river ... after a walk through the forest, with an air temperature of 30 degrees, the cool water was very welcome. Can you see the three people near the rock in the centre of the photo? Smuts, Lee and Suz are checking out the rapids to the left. The water comes rushing down the gorge, over the rocks, and whooshes into the pool.

The 'fun' thing to do (apparently) is to swim into the rapids and then to whoosh down the current with the water. Here the three adventurers are setting off into the stream ... (I am taking this on zoom so it's not very clear) ...

... and whoosh! Out they come!

After a number of whooshes each, they return to base. Can you see all the fish in the water as well as our intrepid swimmers?

1 comment:

  1. The photos are magnificent as I am sure was your holiday. What do you do with all the pics you take?
