Monday, April 9, 2012

Melbourne F1 GP

Well, the Melbourne F1 GP, attended by 313,000 fans over 4 days, was a hit this year. The raceday afternoon on the Sunday was sunny, and the organisers went to much more trouble than before to offer fans off-track entertainment. The race proved that my mobile phone camera is not up to the job in any way or form, so I guess I will need to invest in something more efficient soon.

This pic shows us fans standing on a little hill with the GP cars screaming past -- a red Ferrari is barely visible in the middle left of the pic, above the heads of the fans. This was about 80-100 metres from the track.

This next pic shows a stunt motorcyclist doing his aerial tricks inside a purpose-built arena inside the track.  You can see the motorcyclist in the air. The two chair-type things on the right are cameras in cranes. The young people loved the these kamikaze trick artists!

Apologies for the glare on this shot - this is after an S bend, and the F1 cars are about 25 metres away. They whizz through the S bend unbelievably fast, and must torture their the drivers' neck muscles.

They always have classic race cars at the GP, which they drive on track as part of a classic parade. This 906 Porsche was my favourite, parked next to DB5 Aston Martin.

All up, it was a great afternoon -- I am sure all 106,000 attendees thanked the weather gods for the brilliant weather. I was back at home in Box Hill in 60 mins flat! Until next year...

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