Saturday, October 27, 2012

Birthday Lee

Lee's 24th birthday was YESTERDAY, Friday 26 October. But by the time we got home after a celebration dinner at Moon Under Water, it was too late to blog!

Here is a typically pensive Lee on his first birthday. Sorry about the cake, Lee. I was never a very good baker.

And here is the happy birthday person, many years later (last night in fact), with the lovely Suz.

Moon Under Water is a trendy new restaurant in a very hip part of the city. It has a fixed menu, which I find enormously relaxing. Delicious.


  1. What else does the Justus family do for relaxation apart from go to these fab restaurants and eat and drink?? hee hee

    1. Theatre, ballet ... but you're right -- we do like to eat and drink. And we do explore nice parts of the country while we're doing so!
