Sunday, November 11, 2012

Golfing galore

What a lovely way to spend a summery Sunday afternoon in Johannesburg! Did you notice Tennille is playing with a pink ball?

And here is Dusty trying his best to beat his little sister ...

Jono has an amazingly powerful swing and he is also a very good putter. Don loves golf but sadly is inconsistent with some amazing shots and some awful ones ... but that's golf for you. 

I intend to have a few lessons and see if I enjoy this game -- but more importantly, if I have the skill and talent to pursue it further ... !!??

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lovely family day out. Lee and Luke play golf fairly often. Personally I like mini-golf :). I didn't realise Dust was in Jo'burg. How nice. What was the occasion?
