Monday, May 21, 2012

Lights, camera, action!

Dad and I have organised for one of his 16 mm films to be converted to DVD. He shot this particular film in 1960, the year in which I was born.

The person doing the conversion has just emailed me these frames from the film. These frames show: (1) Mom and me (and someone in the background with a dog); (2) Ganan (Mom's mother) and me; (3) Mom, Dad, Heidi, me and Bop (Mom's father); (4) Grandma (Dad's mother) and me; (5) Heidi; (6) me, Bear and Heidi the Fairy.

Can't wait to see the movie.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word - what wonderful pics! I had completely forgotten about all these family highlights. Love Mom's orange hat!
