Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day in Australia and so of course our thoughts turn to Mom. I've chosen some photos from two different sets for today.

The black-and-white photos below were taken around 1965. Dad and Heidi would remember the verandah outside the lounge that many years later became the bar! In the second photo, that's Timmy Nash and me, with Mom, Dad and Jessie Kathleen Margaret Ireland Sater aka Ganan (Mom's mother and our maternal grandmother). Jessie was born in 1900 so she would be about 65 in this photo.

These photos below were probably taken about ten years later, around 1976. Mom loved her daily swim -- and may well have been remembering these days when she always talked about having a swim in later years.

Happy mother's day to all mothers!


  1. Its Mothers Day in South Africa too.

    Any idea who took the black and white pics? Was it Bop?
    I remember the wooden bench as well as the white steel table on the old verandah.

    1. Bop might have taken them. There is another photo in that set of him sitting on a chair on the lawn. Or it might have been little Heidi ... the photo is a bit wonky and you would have been only eight ...!
