Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Only 3 hours from Gauteng, en route to the Kruger National Park, Dullstroom is situated at 2100m above sea level
 Whether this neck of the woods is referred to as 'Trouteng' or as the 'fly-fishing suburb of Jo'burg', makes no difference. This quaint village, known for its high altitude fresh air was where Don and I spent the last 5 days. 


Dons' Olive Woolly Bugger didn't let him down ... over the 5 days he must have caught at least 20 trout. Many of the dams are a 'catch and release' allowing these silly things to be caught again on another day. 

... hhhmmmm ... a new floating line, a few new flies, or just simply a chat to the guys who all share the same passion?

The 5 F's - Flyfishing, Fireplaces, Fauna, Flora (I love the beautiful snow balls which are blooming in Dullstroom), Fresh air ...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pool boat

I think this must be about 1972. Can anyone remember what the Rubber Duck inflatable boat was used for, other than playing in the pool?

Not only does the inflatable boat bring back memories, but so does the view from the pool to the house. And look, there's Liesl the miniature dachshund!

Do you also remember these funny prints, with the additional small print? I wonder whether anyone actually ever used the small prints ...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

iPhone fans

I was in Sydney this week. On Thursday night I walked back to my hotel (after my favourite dinner of oysters and crab cakes -- yum) and noticed people camped outside the Apple store. Aha! The new iPhone 5! So here are some pics of overnight campers in the middle of the Sydney CBD. Not sure if you can see it in these pics but there was even a woman with a baby in a pram.


The next morning I left the hotel to walk to the Sydney office, about three blocks away. It was about 7.45 a.m. and the queue had now grown and was winding its way back along the city blocks.


The weird thing is that apparently the iPhone 5 is really not very good! But I suppose if you're a techie and an Apple fan, then what matters is having it on the very first day it's available.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Theatre Saturday

We have an annual subscription to the Melbourne Theatre Company, which means that Smuts and I go to eight plays over the course of the year. We like to go to a Saturday performance at 4 pm. This is the Southbank Theatre, at about 3.45 pm. The theatre is on the south bank of the Yarra River, hence the name! The Melbourne Recital Centre is next to it (second photo).

Yesterday we saw a play called called Top Girls, by a British playwright. This is the promotional blurb:

Marlene is out to celebrate her big promotion at work. And she’s earned it. It’s a just reward for years of dedicated service and hard work at the Top Girls Employment Agency. Nobody knows better than Marlene that today’s career woman has to be tough as nails to compete in the masculine corporate world. And if she’s had to make sacrifices along the way, then they’ve all been worth it.

Dancing through history, Caryl Churchill’s timeless masterpiece Top Girls asks all the difficult questions about women, career and corporate culture. 

As you can see from the poster, the 'dancing through history' refers to a range of characters from across the centuries. In the first act, women characters from history tell their stories in a kind of girls' get-together. There's medieval patient Griselda, a Japanese courtesan from 14th century Japan, a woman pope from the 16th century (no one knew she was a woman until she had a baby), a Scottish explorer from the Victorian era, and a brutish woman German soldier from the 15th century. No actual dancing, by the way.

During interval we like to have our craft beer (Smuts) and sparkling wine (me). You can see in this photo that we're inside the building with the white pipes! In the background you can see the Eureka Tower, the tallest building in Melbourne.

And here is the Southbank Theatre at about 6.30 pm, after the play. I love the white pipes when they are all lit up. It looks fabulous at night.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dinner service

Here are some pictures of Ron and Yvette's lovely dinner service, which has made its way from Knysna to Bryanston to Melbourne. We'll think of the whole family every time we use it!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

More old movies

We have had a few more of the old family 16 mm films converted into digital form. I'm expecting the DVDs any day in the mail, but while I'm waiting, the DVD man in Pretoria sent me some stills.

1. Who on earth is the woman and the baby in the top picture?
2. I bet this was the flight to Inhaca (an island in the Mozambique Channel, for anyone of a younger generation). How gloriously small! And how eager we look to get on board!
3. Bridesmaids at Bev's wedding. Aren't we gorgeous?
4. Who are these other children with us -- Tim and Angie Nash? Or Mark and Paul Sater?
5. Heidi and I, with Mom, in our little red dressing-gowns. I want one now.
6. I remember that box, that hill in our garden and that dry golden Jo'burg winter lawn.

7. My second birthday. Who do those bikinis belong to? Is this five-year-old Heidi?
8. Heidi and me in very elegant suits. Heidi in pearls. Did our Grandma Tina make these suits for us?
9. Fairies. Of course.
10. That's Heidi on the left of the picture, on her way to school at Bryanston Primary. Lovely school hats. Who is her taller companion?
11. Mom, Heidi and me in Grindelwald, Switzerland, October 1965.
12. Mom, Heidi and me in London, October 1965.

Once I receive the DVDs and see the pictures in context, I might be able to answer some of my questions. Until then, guesses from family members welcome!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hello spring

It's a lovely sunny spring day -- a glorious 19 degrees. We know that there will be many cold days before summer comes, but today is a reminder that we are over the worst of winter. (Although there is still plenty of snow on the Victorian snowfields.)

In celebration of September, here are some flowers (and fruit) from our little garden today, to share with you. Wish you were here!