Saturday, September 22, 2012

iPhone fans

I was in Sydney this week. On Thursday night I walked back to my hotel (after my favourite dinner of oysters and crab cakes -- yum) and noticed people camped outside the Apple store. Aha! The new iPhone 5! So here are some pics of overnight campers in the middle of the Sydney CBD. Not sure if you can see it in these pics but there was even a woman with a baby in a pram.


The next morning I left the hotel to walk to the Sydney office, about three blocks away. It was about 7.45 a.m. and the queue had now grown and was winding its way back along the city blocks.


The weird thing is that apparently the iPhone 5 is really not very good! But I suppose if you're a techie and an Apple fan, then what matters is having it on the very first day it's available.

1 comment:

  1. What crazy people! Guess it takes all types to make a world!?

    Don recently bought an Ipad which we are really enjoying.
