Friday, March 16, 2012

Argus Cycle Tour 2012

Is rain worse than wind? Or is the wind the witch of the Argus Cycle Tour? The wind blew like mad on Saturday and I think all 35 000+ entrants crossed their fingers that it would least a little. Sunday dawned a peach of  a day! But would it last?
Of course it did and the witch of the day was the heat getting up to 40 degrees C!
You have to look closely to see Don and I. We are part of the corporate DSM team. 

A close up of Don and a colleague from Germany at the start.
 Unfortunately we had a late start time going off at 8.45 which really affected me by the time I got to Suikerbossie. was so hot, so hard, so long, and so near the end..!! Don and I finished in a time of 4 hours and 50 minutes, a really good time for me and my personal best! My favourite section without a doubt is Misty Cliffs - cool sea breeze, white sand, turquoise water, magnificent views....! 

1 comment:

  1. Another successful Argus to add to the family memories! Well done. Misty Cliffs sounds wonderful. I will have to check a map of the Cape and find out where it is -- near Llandudno?
