Thursday, March 22, 2012

Birding at Marievale

Leaving home this morning at 6.30 we set off with our binos and bird book for the Marievale Bird Sanctuary which is probably one of the most popular birding destinations for Gauteng birders. A large floodplain, the Marievale Bird Sanctuary, is just outside Nigel on the East Rand.

The marshes at Marievale lie within the Marievale Gold Mine, and the massive mine dumps are evident everywhere as they form a boundary effect.

Dad remembered this area well as he had worked on many of the mines in this area years ago.  

1 comment:

  1. It looks really peaceful. I am very envious from the depths of a frantically busy work week (and horrible cold weather). The mine dumps are very Jo'burg! Nice that Dad remembered the area.
