Sunday, July 29, 2012

Duathlon team

A beautiful winter Sunday in Johannesburg with the traditional crispy morning temperatures and clear blue skies.

An off-road duathlon requires the athlete to run 5 km, cycle 30 km and then run another 2.5 km.
So here I go on the first 5 km run.

Tennille riding her heart out after her 5 km run.

The Robertsons love the microphone!

The Robertson Duathlon Team:

Tennille's branded car attracts interest at this event:

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE misty scenes so your first photo absolutely hooked me! This looks amazing. (I was going to say 'fun' but it's only fun if you're super-sporty, I think ...) Gorgeous photos of you all. The Robertson Duathlon Team? It's the PeptoPro Team!
