Saturday, July 21, 2012

Equestrienne Gwynneth

I estimate these photos were taken around 1945, when Mom was fifteen or sixteen. She's wearing her horse-riding clothes. She rode horses until she fell off one day and broke her nose. Graphic detail: I remember her telling me that when she fell off, she landed face first in burned-out veld, and the hospital had to clean all the black prickly stubble out of her face. (I think she was warning me off horse-riding.)

The very wide flares at the top of the jodhpurs are interesting because modern jodhpurs don't have the flares. According to Wikipedia, jodhpur flares disappeared at the time that stretch fabrics were introduced, in the 1950s or '60s.

I also find these photos interesting because they're all pretty much the same, except for the backgrounds. I can imagine the photography session, where whoever took the photo (her father?) moved her around to find the perfect background. I can just hear the conversation ...!

1 comment:

  1. ...hhhmm and I was desperate to ride horses when I was growing up and mom would not hear of it!!
    These photos are quite amazing - just love the jodhpurs...and moms hat.
