Saturday, June 23, 2012

Berkeley Ave 1965

Before we leave 1965, I thought you might enjoy some photos taken around the same time of 43 Berkeley Avenue. Actually, I think it was 109 Berkeley Avenue in those days.

I am pretty sure that this set of photos was also taken by Heidi, with the same little box camera that she used in Europe. The format of the prints is exactly the same format as the Europe photos. I've published two of these photos before in other posts, but have included them here again so that the set of six is complete.

Photo 1 below: You've seen this one before on the blog -- that's Dad, Tim, me, Ganan (Mom's mother) and Mom. The lounge opened out onto this verandah (later replaced by the bar).  

Photo 2 below: Mom. That wooden bench had a lift-up cover and storage space inside. I remember tennis rackets, snorkels, masks and flippers being stored in this bench. Photo 3 below: Dad, Bop (Mom's father) and dog (Hansel or Gretel). Berkeley Avenue is behind them, because you can see a white picket fence on the other side of the road, and the Nash property had a white picket fence. (Well, it was 1965!)

Photo 4 below: Tim Nash and me. Berkeley Avenue and the Nash property (white picket fence) are in the background behind us. Berkeley Avenue would still have been a dirt road. Heidi, do you remember playing in the mud in the road after those summer storms?

Photo 5 below: Dachshund (Hansel or Gretel) and me. That's the driveway behind me, where you entered the property from Berkeley Avenue. The rockery and the steps (immediately behind me, to the right) led down to the front door.

Photo 6 below: Tim and me, and I think the girl is Melanie Nash. It's not Heidi. Do you remember the wire fence and gate? The fir tree is only a few years old. And look how far away the house looks from the pool ...

I'd love to hear other family members' memories of the house and garden in 1965!


  1. Wow, never realised that I was so skilled in photography..hee hee
    I looked so much like Bop when I was small - perhaps that's why we were so attracted to each other?

  2. I remember the huge garden, the half acre of veld at the bottom of the garden, the dirt road which became a river after the summer thunderstorms, and riding my bicycle along this dirt road ( was never allowed further than the Springler's gate ).
    Why was the pool so far from the house?
    I remember the fruit trees and picking and eating the juicy peaches, apricots and plums.
    And little Liesel, my miniture daschund.
