Saturday, June 9, 2012

Gardiners Creek

Gardiners Creek Reserve is the parkland closest to us. It's less than a kilometre away from our house. Gardiners Creek is the little river that runs through it. It reminds us of the river in our Newlands garden -- do you remember, Dad?

I quite like walking in the park on rainy, grey days, which is just as well, otherwise I wouldn't walk very much in winter! I took these photos this afternoon, bundled up in boots, scarves and gloves, and walking in mud. But it was lovely. At the end of the photos, I've included a short video so you can hear the sound of the river too. (It's a bit wobbly because I was holding an umbrella in my other hand ...)




1 comment:

  1. Jules, we too are bundled up in boots, gloves and scarves. Winter has hit us in Joeys good and proper. At least we dont have the rain!
