Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Morning flight

I was inspired by Heidi’s 7 a.m. photos. Melbourne winter mornings are still pretty gloomy at 7 o'clock, but the sun was rising during my flight to Sydney this morning and the colour was really lovely over the horizon. Also, most unusually, I was in a window seat rather than my usual aisle seat.

It started off as one photo, but then I realised that the rainy weather was making the flight quite interesting from a visual perspective. Unfortunately I was on the wrong side of the plane to take photos as the plane comes in across the sea, but you do get a bit of a sense of (part of) Sydney Harbour in these pics.

So here is a sequence of photos, in order. If you scroll down quickly enough, you might actually feel like you are in a plane! Well, maybe.




  1. Awesome series of pics - would love to have seen Sydney Harbour Bridge

    1. The bridge is to the north of the city; the airport is south. So you don't actually see the bridge when you fly in. But next time I am there, I will wander up to Circular Quay and take a photo of the bridge from the ground, which will just have to do!
