Saturday, June 16, 2012

Paris 1965

So we continue our journey across Europe in October 1965. Mom, Dad, Heidi and I are travelling with Mom's parents (Bop and Ganan). I am five; Heidi is eight.

Heidi writes (rather briefly, compared to the previous entries) in her journal:

Paris is a beautiful city. It has parks, shops, wide streets and art gallaries. I saw the original picture of Mona Lisa painted by Leenardo da Vinci in the Louvre. We saw the Tombs of Napoleon and his son. I like Paris very much. We went by boat on the River Seine, saw the Eifel Tower and the famous Notro Dame Church. We were taken to the Wine Cellars of the Eifel Tower. They were only found 10 years ago stacked with wines from the time of the French Revolution. Mummy, Julie and I went by taxi-cab through Paris to see a school friend of mine, Nini, who lived in a flat near the Eifel Tower.

There are no postcards in this section of the journal, but in the spirit of timelessness, I offer this one that I bought in Paris 18 years later, in 1983. It's an interesting postcard because the Pompidou Centre (reflected in the sunglasses) was still very new at that time and so the picture was tres a la mode.


  1. Although black and white I still cant get over the beautiful photos taken by my little box camera. I am so enjoying our 1965 tour of Europe.

  2. Heidi, do you remember who Nini was?

  3. Have racked my brains..sadly cannot remember who this was.
