Tuesday, June 19, 2012

London & Loch Ness 1965

And so we come to the last legs of our journey across Europe in 1965. Sadly Heidi's journal entries end in Paris, so we don't have her account of what we did in England and Scotland, but there are a number of photos which tell some of the story.

Clearly Heidi was very impressed with the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.

We also visited the Tower of London (that's Ganan, our grandmother, behind the Beefeater in the second photo, and next to an unknown man) ...

 ... and Windsor Castle.

Here is a photo of Bop (Mom's father) in front of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. He's holding
a 16 mm cine camera in his hand, I think. I wonder what happened to the film he shot?

From London, we went to Edinburgh. We flew British European Airways (BEA), which according to Wikipedia, was the largest domestic carrier until 1974, when it merged with BOAC to form BA.

We went on a day trip to Loch Ness -- one of the clearest memories I have. I LONGED to see the monster, and was bitterly disappointed that it failed to rear its head above the icy water. I remember wanting to stay just a few minutes more, because I KNEW it would appear the minute we left. I don't remember very much about Edinburgh (other than the impression of a heated apartment and toasted teacakes) but I do remember feeling devastated at being torn away from the possibility of the monster.

I don't know who the Scotsman is on the left of the photo, but that's Mom, me and Bop, with Loch Ness behind us.

Well, that's it. On that monster note, we end our journey, Heidi's journal and our trip down this particular memory lane. Ciao, au revoir, auf wiedersehen, toodle-pip!

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