Friday, June 15, 2012

Melbourne bikes

Thought you may be interested in the Melbourne public bike scheme, Dad, called Melbourne Bike Share. There are about 50 'stations' like these around the city, with about 600 bikes for hire. Basically you can either pay a subscription or you can just hire them by the day. You pick them up from any point and drop them back at any point -- doesn't have to be the same one. I think they're more popular in summer when it's not so cold!

The bike stations by the river are quite popular. You can see in the last pair of photos below that people are more likely to hire bikes for a ride next to the river.

Being super-safe Melbourne, cycle helmets are compulsory. If you don't have your own, you can buy one at the nearest 711 (convenience) store. They're $5 and for the purpose of this blog post, I bought one. Photo below. You can take them back at any time, to any 711 store, and get a refund of $3.

When the weather warms up a bit, my colleague Jan and I are planning to cycle along the river at lunch-time. It'll make a nice break from the office!

1 comment:

  1. You live in such a first world country! This scheme would not last a minute in South Africa. The bikes would be stolen, no one would wear the helmets...
